You can search for a business directly by:
- Business Name/State
- Business Name/City/State
You can also search for business'es affiliated with a specific person.
- First/Last/State
- First/Last/City/State
You can search for business's associated with a specific address.
- AddressLine1/City/State
1. Add your access profile, username, and search type to the request headers.
Please Note
Fein will be the search type in your request headers from "galaxy-search-type*
- galaxy-ap-name: [Access Profile Name]
- galaxy-ap-password: [Access Profile Password]
- galaxy-client-session-id: (Optional) Session ID for logging
- galaxy-client-type: [Galaxy Client Type] (required for Javascript clients)
- galaxy-search-type: [Fein]
2. Add search criteria to your request.
"BusinessName": "Hot dog stand",
"Addresline2": "ca"
3. Set the desired pagination rules
"BusinessName": "Hot dog stand",
"Page": 1,
"ResultsPerPage": 10
4. Submit Your Search.