Records can include parcel information, loan information including amounts, dates and company. Debtor names and address as well as trustee name and address may be included in the report. Records may also include auction and sale information.
Coverage for this search is nationwide.
1. Add your access profile, username, and search type to the request headers.
Please Note
ForeclosureV2 will be the search type in your request headers for "galaxy-search-type"
- galaxy-ap-name: [Access Profile Name]
- galaxy-ap-password: [Access Profile Password]
- galaxy-client-session-id: (Optional) Session ID for logging
- galaxy-client-type: [Galaxy Client Type] (required for Javascript clients)
- galaxy-search-type: [ForeclosureV2]
2. Add search criteria to your request.
"BusinessName": "walmart"
"PoseidonIds": [
"FirstName": "John",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Smith",
"AddressLine1": "",
"AddressLine2": "SACRAMENTO, CA"
"PoseidonIds": [
"FirstName": "John",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Smith",
"AddressLine1": "",
"AddressLine2": "SACRAMENTO, CA"
3. Set the desired pagination rules
"BusinessName": "walmart",
"Includes": [
"Page": 1,
"ResultsPerPage": 20
4. Submit Your Search.