
Filters are available on this search at the customers discretion. All filters are disabled by default.

  • FilterSingleCharacterFirstName - Used to remove records with only one character in the first name field.
    • FilterSingleCharacterLastName - Used to remove records with only one character in the last name field.ExactFirstNameMatchOnly - Requires the first name to match EXACTLY.
    • ExactLastNameMatchOnly - Requires the last name to match EXACTLY.
    • DisableFuzzyNameMatch - Requires the first name, middle name and last name fields to match EXACTLY.
    • DisableFuzzySsnMatch - Requires the SSN to match EXACTLY.
    • IncludeAliasNameParts - Includes aliases in output records.
    • YearsBack - Removes records where the last reported address is more than specified number of years old.
    • SmartDedupe - Uses proprietary algorithm to optimize the search output.